Production Technologies

New online hub for Australia’s red meat integrity system

beefcentral November 28, 2019
Livestock producers and supply chain stakeholders can now access information and resources for Australia’s red meat integrity system in the one location with the new Integrity Systems Company (ISC) website launched last week at Red Meat 2019 in Tamworth.

ISC – a fully-owned subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) – manages and delivers the red meat industry’s on-farm assurance and through-chain traceability programs which guarantee the integrity of Australia’s $18.4 billion red meat industry to customers and protect Australia’s access to over 100 export markets.

The new website houses all of the resources for the three key elements which make up Australia’s red meat integrity system – the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program; National Vendor Declarations (NVDs); and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).

Information about the online carcase feedback resource, Livestock Data Link (LDL), can also be found on the new website.

The website also features core information about ISC including its Integrity System 2025 and beyond strategy (IS2025 Plan), which is designed to prepare industry for the future and guide valuable investment into the integrity system and its programs.

ISC Chief Executive Officer, Dr Jane Weatherley, said the new website brings together all of the integrity system’s resources that were previously housed on multiple websites, in a format that is easy to navigate for new and existing producers.

“The website is designed so users can quickly and easily access information relevant to all integrity system programs,” Dr Weatherley said.

“Our world-leading red meat integrity system is recognised as critical to not only maintaining access to export markets, but also capturing new markets. The establishment of this dedicated website ensures producers and supply chain stakeholders have access to all of the resources they need to help them meet integrity system requirements so Australia’s red meat industry can continue to stand by what it sells.”

ISC is also responsible for the development and delivery of the Digital Value Chain Strategy which will ensure the Australian red meat industry can make better use of existing and new data.

“ISC’s mission is to grow red meat value chain opportunities through integrity and information systems innovation. It is essential to enhance our systems and technologies to stay ahead of our global competitors, maintain our point of difference, and enable Australia’s red meat industry to capture price premiums from consumers and customers who are willing to pay more for higher levels of product assurance,” Dr Weatherley said.

“The Digital Value Chain Strategy will deliver improved feedback systems for producers, along with conducting research and development that seeks to find the best digital technology and database management systems that will strengthen our integrity systems even further, while also reducing the complexity and demands of the system on the supply chain.”

ISC is a service provider to the red meat industry working collaboratively with government and a range of industry stakeholders.

Source: Meat & Livestock Australia. Visit the website: 


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