Processing Technologies

Surgical robots may have application in red meat processing industry

Scientists are working to develop robotic principles that could help the red meat processing sector boost its global competitiveness – using technologies developed for use in human surgical procedures…Read More

beefcentral, November 25, 2020

VIC processor Midfield employs Smart Badges to minimise COVID-19 risk

Victorian meat processor Midfield is trialling a new contact-tracing technology that could revolutionise the way abattoirs minimise their COVID-19 risk during the global pandemic…Read More

beefcentral, September 3, 2020

Agtech: Artificial Intelligence trial tracks JBS beef from paddock to plate

A ground-breaking trial underway with the nation’s largest red meat exporter, JBS Australia, is using sensors, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and blockchain to provide a data trail for the industry and consumers – all the way from paddock to plate…Read More

Jon Condon, February 10, 2020

Camera-based MSA carcase grading primed for launch

Teys Australia is set to be the first processor to implement E+V camera-based MSA grading, at its Wagga Wagga facility in NSW…Read More

Jon Condon, February 6, 2020

Webinar looks at upcoming changes to MSA: what do they mean for cattle producers?

A series of changes being implemented from June across the Meat Standards Australian program will be the subject of an upcoming webinar…Read More

beefcentral, April 19, 2019

Show me the money: Lightning finally strikes!

How often is agri research commercialised in Australia? Somewhere between peace in the Middle East and the return-to-earth orbit of Halley’s comet? There are exceptions, writes Agtech editor, Sam Trethewey…Read More

Agtech Central editor, Sam Trethewey, October 25, 2018

Startup raises $1.4m for mobile abattoir

Agtech startup Provenir has announced it has closed a $1.4 million investment round as it gears up to build Australia’s first commercial mobile abattoir. ..Read More

Agtech Central editor, Sam Trethewey, October 12, 2018

$500,000 industry funding for carcase measurement technology

An Adelaide-based agtech startup has received $500,000 in industry and corporate funding to test a new piece of technology to objectively measure eating quality traits in red meat…Read More

beefcentral, October 8, 2018

Premium beef a forensic certainty

In a win for consumers and branded beef producers, premium grassfed and grainfed beef products could soon be identified and verified using a simple forensic test. ..Read More

beefcentral, October 3, 2018

Blocked brain on blockchain?

There’s no doubt the blockchain buzz is getting louder, and the technology is already infiltrating agriculture, in areas like counterfeit protection…Read More

Agtech Central editor, Sam Trethewey, September 27, 2018

Objective carcase grading: What’s coming down the technology super-highway?

Real-time, objective measurement of profitable carcase traits that determine elements of meat yield and eating quality are getting closer to being delivered commercially by modern scanning and digital imaging technology. ..Read More

beefcentral, September 26, 2018

Sheepmeat industry poised for DEXA-led advance

The sheepmeat industry is on the cusp of a processing revolution that will pave the way for a long overdue change in the way producers are paid for their livestock, MLA said in a press release issued today. ..Read More

beefcentral, July 26, 2018

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